How to use this toolkit
The vision for Agathos is “a church with no ministries - just ministers.” This sort of mobilization of the saints requires individual maturity in the Lord to walk in victory in the world. This collection of resources is being curated to help provide clarifying vision, foundational teaching, and in-depth studies to empower you to walk victoriously and joyfully in your personal ministry to all those you meet.

We have been called to be a “prototype church” in which the saints would be mobilized into every sphere of society. In order to move in unison across a diversity of contexts, we must operate as a family with a strong set of shared values. Envision what those are here.

Jesus said we would know Him (The Truth) and that process of knowing Him would set us free. These foundational truths will establish you in your relationship with Christ and empower you to know who you are in Christ, how to be transformed by renewing your mind, and how to engage with God relationally.

What does the Bible say about money? What if I want to learn more about my identity in Christ? What if I want to be equipped in giving prophetic words? This section of featured messages by topic dives deep into specific teachings, trainings, and testimonies that will take you deeper and farther with God.

God’s goodness is not philosophical; it is actual. From young children to seasoned adults we share and celebrate stories of breakthrough: physical healings, deliverance, restored families, demonstrations of extreme favor, etc. When we recall and declare the wonderful works of God we are empowered to overcome the accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12) and are prophesying a similar breakthrough to happen again in the lives of others! (Rev. 19).