Get Back to Basics

By Peter DeWitt

"Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. For me to write the same things to you is not tedious, but for you it is safe." (Phil. 3:1)

When I played baseball as a youth I had received sound instruction in hitting. What was interesting is that I could hit well for a time and then later find myself in what we called a “slump” where it seemed like my swing just wasn’t right and I could not hit well all of a sudden. I had not lost my physical ability. I had not lost my detailed know-how of the intricacies of batting.

But what I had lost, in those situations, was typically the basic mechanics of my swing.  In fact, nearly always, the best thing to do in a "slump" was to get back to basics. I would start to take practice swings off a practice tee and do other rudimentary drills that re-established good basic habits within my swing. There is a reason the phrase “get back to basics” is a common colloquialism far beyond baseball— because it is often truly the solution!

In our walk with God it can be an important safety net for us.
Is your swing out of whack?
Have you seemingly lost a step with God?
Is your joy suffering?

These are mile-markers that are saying “get back to basics.”
Find your thankfulness again.
Find your praise again.
Find His Word again.
You will find your swing again. You will find your strength again.
God bless you.

To read the next part in this blog Back to Basics series click below:
Back to Basics: Magnifying the Lord



